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Things we need!

This is a list of items that we would be grateful for as donations at Progetto Riccio Europeo. The gift of appropriate food and other items that we use every day

is always a great way to support our work.

We are completely self-funded volunteers and rely on the support of the public.

To view our Amazon 

wish list

Click on the button

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kitten-mousse per svezzamento gattini-crocchette al pollo- scatolette di mousse o tocchetti al pollo o manzo-latte esbilac o babydog Royal Canin. 

Donazioni 1. Progetto Riccio Europeo.
Donazioni 1. Progetto Riccio Europeo.
SnuggleSafe Progetto Riccio Europeo.


Siringhe con ago estraibile, da insulina,da 2,5 ml o 5 ml-


Traversine assorbenti trapuntate- rotoloni carta-snuggle safe - coperte di pile

The types of syringes Progetto Riccio Europeo uses for feeding baby hedgehogs. 

Materiale che Progetto Riccio Europeo usa per l'allattamento dei ricci. 
Syringes we use to feed baby hedgehogs. Progetto Riccio Europeo .png

Support our


Riccio Neonato. Newborn Hedgehog care. Progetto Riccio Europeo

To view our Amazon 

wish list

Click on the button

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Address to send food donations.

Progetto Riccio Europeo 

Via Piavesella 24

31100 Treviso

Tel. +39 333 919 0165

Find out what we need below

What you give

will be gratefully 



 Paypal just click on Donazione.


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Want to donate £1 a month with Teaming?

Just click on the Teaming button.

IBAN IT46B0760112000001038295695

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