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How to tell the difference between male and female hedgehogs.

If there is a protuberance in the middle of the belly it is a male hedgehog.

If the protuberance is close to the anus it is a female hedgehog.

We explain the technique to calmly  and slowly

open a curled up hedgehog.

This takes skill, time and lots of patience. It must not ever be rushed.

When a hedgehog is stressed it will never open it must be relaxed and calm.

Unfortunately, healthy mothers are often rescued by mistake when they are out looking for food during daylight.

Be careful to avoid doing this since her babies will die without her feeding giving warmth and taking care of them.

Riccio maschio. Design di Leo voluntario Progetto Riccio Europeo.

Male hedgehog

Drawn by Leo volunteer at  Progetto Riccio Europeo


Female hedgehog

Drawn by Leo volunteer at  Progetto Riccio Europeo

Opening a hedgehog in this way

is for expert hands only.

Using force can cause damage to the hedgehog.

A Male Hedgehog

Un Riccio Maschio. Progetto Riccio Europeo.

Opening a hedgehog in this way

is for expert hands only.

Using force can cause damage to the hedgehog.

A Female Hedgehog

Un Riccio Femmina. Progetto Riccio Europeo.

Simple Method

Calmly and slowly stroke the from the head to the tail and wait as the hedgehog opens. Do this slowly and repeatedly for several minutes. This requires time and patience.


Always using gloves until the "ball" opens. In this case, it is better to be in two people: one holds the hedgehog and the other looks at it from below.


Alternatively, put the hedgehog in a transparent container, raise it up and patiently wait for it to open.


Or you can place the hedgehog on a mirror resting on a table and wait. When the specimen opens, we will be able to see its sex.

Expert Way

always use gloves

Caress the hedgehog starting from the head towards the back and it's bottom

 with slow and gentledeep movements.

The hedgehog will slowly open once the stress has passed.


This takes time and patience

a stressed hog will never be opened.

In some cases, it is better to have two people:

one holds the hedgehog

and the other looks at it from below.

A baby female



How to tell which sex a hedgehog is.


If we find a hedgehog during the day it is not necessarily that it is in difficulty, therefore it is important to check whether it is a male or a female, especially if it is a healthy specimen.


There are various techniques for doing this verification without the use of sedation (a practice that only a veterinarian can perform).

If there is a protuberance in the middle of the belly, it is a male specimen.


If, however, the protuberance is close to the anus, we are faced with a female.


If he is a healthy male, he could be around because he is disturbed and therefore looking for a new safe place; or, during the courtship period, be looking for a partner.


If it is a female, Attention! She may have her litter nearby. During the birth period of the young (from April to September), the females can leave the lairs to look for water and food even during the day.

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