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Internal parasites and hedgehogs.

How to recognise if a hedgehog has internal parasites.

The correct procedures to follow with hedgehogs. Including quarantine.

Loss of weight and soft or liquid faeces is a sign of illness.

Any hedgehog with internal parasites should be quarantined.

If a sick hedgehog needs examining, this should be done by an experienced vet.


We can start to learn the basics about the general state of the hedgehog even by looking at the faeces using the naked eye.


Looking out for faeces that are more liquid and more green than brown can be an indication of parasites. 


However, before administering medication 

examination under a microscope should always be done.


Through a proper microscopic examination of faeces, it is possible to learn which internal parasites are causing illness.


Parasites can be cured with suitable drugs and with the help of targeted antibiotics if diagnosed in time.


There is a correct therapy procedure to follow to combat the various internal parasites. 

We can be alerted to the presence of internal parasites in hedgehogs by observation.




Lack of appetite 


Laboured breathing 

Weight loss despite proper nutrition

Diarrhoea sometimes with blood,

Difficulty in walking 


Gelatinous or green stools (although not always due to parasites).


For more information:

With the presence of internal parasites, the correct procedure is more important than ever.


Procedure checklist.

 Quarantine box.

Washing and disinfecting of any objects that came into contact with the sick animal. 

The use of disposable gloves for the safety of our house

and all present.


It is important not to use antibiotics, drugs or medication without veterinary advice.


Not doing this can easily poison the hedgehog or compromise any suitable therapies.

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