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The time of the year

Each season presents different problems for hedgehogs.

In spring, after weaning, the young hedgehogs start to explore and get to know their territory.


They should only be rescued if in immediate danger, visibly weakened by parasites, or injured.


During this period, some adult males may become exhausted by the efforts of courtship. 


For them, a few days of rest and recuperation with food and water may be enough. 


These males should be re-released into the wild as soon as possible.


In summer, in addition to abandoned or endangered hoglets, there are dehydrated hedgehogs.


Also, there are those with ticks and other external parasites and of course injured hogs needing expert care.

Autumn is perhaps the most challenging time for hedgehogs.


There are late litters.


Hedgehogs can become infected by internal parasites contracted in the search for food.


In order to be ready for hibernation, they will need to weigh over 480g ?????.


There are those who get injured in search of a safe den. This can lead them into dangerous areas (gardens with dogs, wood stacks, garden bonfires being prepared, garages and sheds).


In this period, young hedgehogs (under 250 grams ???) must be rescued if found in dangerous areas. Larger than this they should be left free if the area has the possibility of burrows and food available.

In winter, hedgehogs go into hibernation but, due to climate warming, their sleep may now be interrupted several times. 


In recent years it is more likely now to find some in difficulty.


We can also find them small and undernourished. They can be hesitant or "drunk" when walking if not just collapsed.


In this period, any small hedgehog less than 300 g that are found searching for food during the day or whilst looking for shelter near homes should also be rescued.

A lack of fat reserves might not allow them to survive hibernation during the winter months.

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