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Dehydration in hedgehogs.

I've found a hedgehog that does not move.

Contact an expert rescue centre immediately.

How do we know if a hedgehog is dehydrated?

They are too long and thin when they should be round like a ball.

How to correctly rehydrate a hedgehog.

First, warm-up the hedgehog gradually to 35°C, before

giving water or food is always the rule.

Dehydration, or lack of fluids in the body, is a problem that can occur at any time of the year but especially during hot weather or drought.


We also see many hedgehogs which become dehydrated because of ill health. 


Infections, wounds and parasites can debilitate them and make them too weak to look for water and quench their thirst.


Before giving water to a dehydrated hedgehog, it is important to feel and check that it is not suffering from hypothermia (dangerously low body temperature).


In this case, if water were administered with a syringe, the hedgehog could easily die.


This one is clearly far too long and thin when they should be round like a ball.

Nice and round, healthy.


First warm-up, then give water, is a fixed rule.

Usually, once a hedgehog has regained its strength and is warm it will start drinking on its own. 


If you need to re-hydrate with a syringe, you must pay very close attention. 


If the water is sent to the lungs, our hedgehog will die of pneumonia.


The hedgehog must be horizontal at all times and not have the head tilted backwards at an angle.

Please be very careful when doing this.


If dehydration is severe, only an experienced veterinarian can proceed with the injection of suitable fluids subcutaneously.


We can always help our spiky friends by leaving bowls of water at their disposal, all year round and especially in summer.

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Riccio Neonato. Newborn Hedgehog care. Progetto Riccio Europeo

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