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Determining the general health of a hedgehog.

Because hedgehogs are nocturnal animals,

if you see one out in the day it is likely to be in trouble but not always. 

In spring and summer, a hedgehog around during the day could be a mother, who seizes a moment of tranquillity to go looking for food. 


It could be a newly weaned healthy youngster, off to conquer and discover a new world.


Or simply, a hedgehog disturbed by our gardening work.

Regardless of shape and size, any that have a swinging and unstable walk, or that lie on their side exposed outdoors should be rescued either day or night.


Normally hedgehogs will run off to hide at the first opportunity if they detect any humans in the area.


Even in the case of healthy but wounded or injured hedgehogs, we must proceed immediately to rescue.


In this case, the delivery to a veterinarian or to a qualified centre must be as fast as possible.

Essential information to give when contacting the authorities

The weight. 

Does it feel cold to the touch?

Is it injured?

If injured, one must arm oneself with courage and inspect the wound to be able to describe it to those who will answer your call.

 Excessive external parasites (finding a tick or two on a wild one is quite normal).

The situation in which recovery was made.

As for newborn or hoglets (under 150 grams) in general, it is possible to understand if they are suffering:


They emit groans,


they are skin and bones.


In these cases, fast delivery to experts can save their tiny lives.  


If delivery to a centre is temporarily impossible, we refer you to the various sections for pathologies and first aid.


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Riccio Neonato. Newborn Hedgehog care. Progetto Riccio Europeo

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Progetto Riccio Europeo 

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Tel. +39 333 919 0165

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